Thursday 15 October 2015

Hack Solutions - Intro

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Welcome to my blog Hack Solutions.

Hacking has always been my favorite subject to perform some research. It intrigues me, how a person can force break himself into a remote system, how he understands each and every underlying code of every software or network systems and penetrate right through it..

Hacking is an art.. You can always learn the basics on the internet, but true talent of breaking things and fixing them again and again till they become unbreakable, comes from within.. Some selected are naturally talented with this art, while others crawl their way up the ladder by working hard and understanding the logic.

As being a script kiddie, I can not explain this vast field into a few works or paras, but it sure is very interesting and acts as a time machine if you ready delve into this ocean. The game starts from any point, you just have to adapt the environment as quickly as possible and act accordingly..

Anyways, the point of starting this blog is to share some knowledge regarding this incredible field, share the solutions of the challenges I will solve in coming days from the websites like "CanYouHackIt", "HackThisSite", "Hackrypt" and many more like them.. Solving those challenges will open up portals of relevant information and knowledge, which I will share with you.. Further, you can also share some awesome articles or post which can help readers to understand some basic backbone topics of this field so that they can start off their own research and knowledge gathering experiments.

Hope to exchange some quality knowledge with you all..  
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