Thursday 15 October 2015

Solution: CanYouHackIt - Logic Challenge 1

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So here we go with our first challenge on our journey. You can guess for pretty much all the challenge websites out there, that the first level will be a baby level..

Site: CanYouHackIt
Challenge: Logic > Logic Challenge 1 > I thought this was meant to be challenging?

If you ever encounter any password field without any other relevant info, what will be your first step, or in this case, what will be your first password guess ?.. I am guessing you picked it correctly.

It's been publicly released many times, even in these days, people use common passwords like "password", "123456", "password123" and many more.. Many routers come with default credentials "admin:password", and there are a few people (believe me, the number is far below our guess) who actually reset them/change them.. Rest, just leave them untouched..

So my first guess on this challenge for the password was "password", and yes it was correct..

So now you know the basic way this blog will work.. I will try and solve every puzzles/challenges around the internet, and share my understandings/findings/knowledge with you people so that you can learn and find some new things on your own and contribute some of that knowledge here to keep the knowledge sharing chain going..

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